This week: Animal-free dairy has arrived ๐Ÿ„ Plus: fermented plant-based beef and lots of vegan / gluten free recipes for your taste sensation :-)

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Ahoy there fellow spacefarer,

Welcome aboard another sailing of the good ship Vegan Slate ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve pulled together some of the best bits over the last week. There’s just so much happening so if I missed a seminal event, let me know!

Coming up … Global environmental food scoring, animal-free dairy and gluten-free vegan from Asrelea, among other highlights.

I hope you enjoy … let’s get into it ๐Ÿ™‚

Looking out over a turquoise blue sea from a ship's gantry

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– Rohan ๐Ÿ™‚

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Around The Vegan Web This Week Ending 8th Sept 2024

cans of food with a label reading: eat with care

New Partnership Pushes for Universal Food Environmental Scoring

A new collaboration between EIT Food and Foundation Earth is pushing for global standards in environmental scoring for food products. With current methods scattered, the alliance aims to streamline approaches and enhance overall transparency. Brands such as Quorn and Upfield, which already include environmental scores on their products, could gain from the shift toward clearer metrics. While the initial focus will be on the EU, the initiative holds potential for broader global impact. โ€œConsumers need consistent and reliable environmental information on food,โ€ says EIT Food, leading the push for widespread industry change. As advocates for plant-based diets and animal rights call for more sustainable food systems, this move could prompt more producers to adopt plant-based options.

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The Overlooked Crisis: Avian Flu’s Continuing Global Devastation

Despite the death of 280 million birds and the spread of the H5N1 avian flu virus to every continent except Oceania, this massive outbreak has largely been forgotten. The virus has caused severe damage to biodiversity, wiping out wild birds, poultry, and even mammals like seals in Antarctica. โ€œIโ€™m not sure the public is aware of the significance of the avian influenza,โ€ notes Prof Ashley Banyard. With its far-reaching impact, this crisis calls for greater attention to global food systems and wildlife protection. We vegans are already on the right side of history but that won’t matter if this virus hits humans …

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Global Fisheries Facing Underestimated Crisis

New research reveals that the worldโ€™s fisheries are in worse shape than previously thought, with population estimates often too optimistic. Scientists found that early assessments of fish stocks were overestimated by up to 50%, leaving policymakers at risk of setting unsustainable fishing limits. This trend of “phantom recovery” threatens biodiversity and ocean health. Nils Krueck, a fisheries scientist, highlights the urgency: โ€œItโ€™s vital to bring these issues to the publicโ€™s attention.โ€ A conservative approach may be necessary to protect marine ecosystems … or better still, just go vegan!

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European Vegan Summit to Address Activism and Sustainability Issues

The European Vegan Summit returns from September 17-19, 2024, bringing together activists, politicians, and experts to explore the future of food systems, sustainability, and animal rights. Organized by the Green REV Institute, this annual event emphasizes the need for coordinated political action and science-driven approaches to promote a vegan economy.

โ€œThis event brings together visionaries dedicated to creating a vegan future,โ€ notes the summit’s organizers. With its focus on climate change and plant-based living, the summit aligns with growing calls for systemic change.

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21st.BIOโ€™s Animal-Free Whey Earns GRAS Status in the Good ol’ US of A

21st.BIO has achieved GRAS status for its precision-fermented beta-lactoglobulin, BLG Essential+, clearing the way for its commercialization in the US. This animal-free whey protein offers 45% more leucine than standard whey and is pH-stable, tasteless, and heat-tolerant, making it ideal for alt-dairy and protein-rich foods. Co-founder Per Falholt says, โ€œWe bring our customers access to technology and skills they could not get anywhere else.โ€ The move supports a greener transition, advancing the potential for animal-free dairy.

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Whole Plant Foods Outperform PB Meat Alternatives in Health and Sustainability Metrics

A new report by The Food Foundation reveals that whole plant foods like beans and grains offer superior environmental and health benefits compared to highly processed meat alternatives. While all plant-based products have a lower environmental impact than meat, the least processed alternatives contain less salt, calories, and saturated fat. Processed meat alternatives, like Beyond Meat, contain 18% more salt than actual meat, raising health concerns. Rebecca Tobi notes, โ€œBeans perform strongly compared to both meat and other plant-based meat alternatives.โ€ … Yet more evidence that Veganism is the future for humanity.

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Blog Post: Previously on Vegan Slate …

Vegan vs Vegetarian vs Plant Based – The Differences Fully Explained

Let’s get straight to the answer here … no fluff ๐Ÿ™‚ Vegans and vegetarians make their lifestyle choice based on ethical concerns for the welfare and the rights of animals. Plant-based is just a diet. There’s no morality involved apart from maybe wanting to do the right thing for the environment. Everyone talks about the ‘vegan diet’ but you โ€ฆ

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The words: who,what, where, when,why written on a chalk board.

Image of me. Rohan.

Thanks so much for reading Vegan Slate and have a non-violent day ๐Ÿ™‚

– Rohan

Vegan Slate



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