Bird flu found in beef, the dilution of veganism’s core message and why are Alaska’s rivers running orange? – VS news w/e 26th May

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Greetings fellow space traveller,

The elusive British Summer is yet to properly show its face. Heavy rain again here today! Although nothing like the poor souls in South East Asia are experiencing.

This week’s platter of tasty vegan bites brings you news of traces of bird flu found in beef, the dilution of the vegan message and the strange tale of orange rivers in Alaska!

Along with the rest of the week’s vegan round up … enjoy!

A vivid orange sunset over a river.

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… so without further ado.

Thank you for being with us!

– Rohan 🙂

This Week’s Top Story

Is Modern Veganism Losing Its Way?

I was considering writing about the Chinese cat torture rings (upsetting content) which made the news this week but, in all honesty, it’s just too depressing and downright disturbing.

I know we vegans have to confront the profound depravity of the human race almost on a daily basis it seems (at least if you’re on vegan Twitter!) but we also need to consider our mental health.

So I decided to write a quick few words inspired by this post on the excellent ‘Vegan Forum’ … if you’re not a member over there yet then I can highly recommend it.

The post is a discussion around this article which suggests that the core message of veganism is becoming diluted and conflated with all the plant-based talk these days.

A healthy looking woman lying on the floor surrounded by vegetables.

I’ve hinted about this before on Vegan Slate because I’ve noticed how more and more people are stating they chose veganism for health or environmental reasons.

The environmental angle is a little easier to accept because climate change has the potential to harm and kill billions of animals and humans alike. You only need to look at what’s happening in SE Asia currently.

But to be vegan for health reasons? Well … that’s simply not a thing.

It’s difficult because the essence of veganism is to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and this includes all other lifeforms on the planet. Obviously there are practical limitations to this.

But that is veganism in its purest form. Something we can only aspire to.

This is why the official definition of veganism includes the words “practicable and possible”.

Protester holding up a sign reading 'There is NO planet B'

So, as much as I would love the whole world to be vegan, pragmatism does have to be accepted at some point. The reality is that only 3-5% of the human race are true vegans.

The percentage increases when you include vegetarians but the inescapable fact is that 90% plus of the people on this planet consume animal products regularly.

So how do we reach them without turning them off entirely?

I believe it has to be a softly, softly approach. No-one likes to be told what to do and when it comes to the emotive issue of the food we eat then this couldn’t be more true.

Having said that, I do agree that the core message of veganism is becoming diluted as more people choose a ‘flexitarian’ lifestyle. The media conflates plant-based with vegan and that is not accurate.

People are understanding more and more that we need to drastically reduce our consumption of animal products but it’s going to take a long time.

Unless, that is, the extra-terrestrials reveal themselves tomorrow and explain to us that the future of the human race among the stars depends upon us treating all other lifeforms with respect.

I’ll leave it there!

What do you think? Let me know …

Thank you for reading 🙂

Have a great week from all at Vegan Slate …

– Rohan McAvee

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Bronze figurine of a 'Grey' alien.

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Around The Vegan Web This Week Ending 26th May 24

Odd burger expands: 40 new vegan outlets set for florida

Canadian vegan chain Odd Burger is expanding, signing a new deal with StarMatt Corporation to develop 40 locations in Florida over the next eight years. This follows an agreement to bring 20 locations to Washington state. CEO James McInnes expressed with excitement, “We are very fortunate to have such a strong partnership with StarMatt.” The company is also opening more outlets in Canada, aiming for a total of 21 operational locations soon. Odd Burger’s growth highlights the rising demand for plant-based dining, making vegan choices more accessible and mainstream. We’re moving to a vegan world, one burger at a time!

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Alaskan rivers run orange: toxic metals released from permafrost

Some of Alaska’s once-pristine rivers are now tinted with an otherworldly hue — a vivid orange that can be seen from space. The culprit? Melting permafrost. As this icy layer thaws, it releases toxic metals into the water, turning the rivers acidic. “There are certain sites that look almost like a milky orange juice,” says ecologist Jon O’Donnell. Chemical analysis reveals high levels of zinc, nickel, copper, and cadmium, staining the waterways. The ecological nightmare extends beyond aesthetics with spawning fish facing peril and potential ripple effects on U.S. fisheries. Now it’s time, more than ever, to recognise how veganism can help mitigate climate change and protect our fragile ecosystems.

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John Salley: vegan trailblazer who shared court with legends

Through a glowing write-up in TalkSport this week we learn of basketball superstar John Salley, the 4x NBA champion. But he isn’t just known for his hoops skills. He’s also a vocal vegan advocate having followed a fully vegan lifestyle for 16 years. Salley played alongside the likes of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, but his passion extends beyond the court. In his words, “At the age of 40, I decided to stop lying to myself. Finally, at 42, I stopped lying about food and lying to myself when I became a very focused vegan.” Now, he’s swapped slam dunks for (mostly raw) plant-based meals, proving that champions can thrive on veggies.

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Bird flu detected in beef. Is it now just a matter of time?

The recent outbreak of bird flu (H5N1) in dairy cows has sparked great concern, but the USDA assures us that the U.S. meat supply remains safe even though, for the first time, muscle from a sick dairy cow has tested positive for the virus. Ground beef samples from affected herds tested negative for the virus. The virus has now spread to nine states, including Texas and Michigan, affecting dairy farms and leading to the first human case in a dairy worker. “The risk of the virus spreading from isolated cases to a broader outbreak is not insignificant,” warned CDC Principal Deputy Director Nirav Shah, highlighting the importance of vigilance. How many more reasons do we need to switch to plant-based?

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New study: fish oil supps increase heart disease risk

Fish oil supplements – once hailed as a heart healthy champion – now face scientific scrutiny. Recent research reveals an unexpected result: for those without heart issues, these pills may up the risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, it seems, can interfere with our heart’s rhythm. But here’s the kicker: if you’re already battling heart disease, omega-3 might be your secret weapon. So, tread carefully, always consult your medical professional and perhaps swap those fish oil capsules for a pure vegan version or even a plate of flaxseed-crusted tofu.

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RollinGreens revolution: quick meals with protein-packed bowls

RollinGreens, the dominant shelf-stable plant-based meat brand, has unveiled its game-changing Plant-Powered Meal Bowls. These four “craveable”, heat-and-eat bowls deliver up to 23g of protein per serving. Just add water, microwave for three minutes, and voilà—a simple satisfying meal anytime, anywhere. Chef Ko’s creations include the M’EAT Classic Chili Bowl, simmering with 23g of protein and hearty chili ingredients. But here’s the twist: these bowls cater to dietary needs, certified gluten-free, soy-free, non-GMO, Kosher and vegan, of course. As CEO Lindsey Cunningham puts it, “Fuel your day without compromising flavor or convenience.”

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Blog Post: Previously on Vegan Slate …

How Many Animals Do You Save By Going Vegan?

Veganism is exploding in popularity! Every single day more and more of us are choosing this compassionate lifestyle because when we know of the suffering caused to animals, doing nothing is simply not an option. But how many animals do you save by going vegan? Let’s do the maths and find out …

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How many animals do you save by going vegan?

Image of me. Rohan.

Thanks so much for reading Vegan Slate and have a non-violent day 🙂

– Rohan

Vegan Slate



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