This week: Vegan Chef Charity hits HBO Max. Plus: Veganism goes ‘AI’ and VFC are up to their old tricks again …

Welcome friendly cosmic travellers, here's the vegan news w/e 11th August - this is the online version of the Vegan Slate newsletter - you can sign up here and get a free 7 day vegan meal plan PDF ... 

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Hey Fellow Wanderer,

It’s hot, hot, hot here in the UK 🙂 and I’m a little late publishing this week!

The last 7 days bring us stories of Veganism going ‘AI’ as well as positive results for Beyond Meat (despite the negative narratives) and a new vegan special on HBO Max …

+ much more …

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… and without further ado.

Thank you for being with us!

– Rohan 🙂

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Around The Vegan Web This Week Ending 11th August 2024

A succulent looking burger in a bun with salad and melted cheese.

Unbelievably Vegan: New Special Hits HBO Max

Max is set to debut a new culinary special, “Unbelievably Vegan with Chef Charity,” on August 22. The show spotlights Chef Charity Morgan, renowned for her plant-based culinary prowess, as she brings to life the idea that vegan cuisine can be both mouthwatering and sustainable. According to the press release, viewers can expect “unbelievable flavors and easy-to-follow recipes” as Chef Morgan demonstrates how vegan dishes can satisfy even the most dedicated meat lovers. This special is symptomatic of the ever-growing popularity of plant-based and vegan lifestyles.

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Strategic Alliance Further Expands Bio Eco Actual’s Global Reach

Bio Eco Actual has taken a significant step forward in its international expansion by forming a strategic alliance with Natural Products Online. This partnership aims to broaden the reach of both organizations in the natural and organic products industry. According to the announcement, this alliance will allow for “shared resources, broader content distribution, and enhanced market presence.” The collaboration emphasizes the importance of integrating media platforms to offer more comprehensive coverage of the industry. For those advocating for plant-based living, this expanded reach can foster a greater awareness of sustainable and ethical consumer choices.

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Restoring Rain Forests: Focus on Extremes for Maximum Impact

Researchers in Borneo have revealed that forest ecosystems react dramatically to logging at specific thresholds. Even minimal logging can alter nearly a quarter of species, but forests can adjust if less than 30% is logged. Beyond 80% logging, a new wave of species suffers. This suggests lightly and heavily logged forests are prime candidates for restoration, offering the best return on investment. As one researcher notes, “some degree of logging may always be necessary… at certain thresholds, they can still sustain themselves.” Protecting and restoring ecosystems aligns with the ethos of minimizing harm and fostering sustainability, values central to veganism.

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Beyond Meat Q2 Results: A Mixed Bag but Still Positive Despite Big-Ag Propaganda?

Beyond Meat reported $93.2 million in Q2 revenue, surpassing expectations but still reflecting an 8.8% decline from last year. CEO Ethan Brown pointed to a “sustained misinformation campaign” by the animal protein and pharmaceutical industries as a significant hurdle. Despite this, Beyond Meat is pushing forward, with some products earning American Heart Association certification. Brown emphasized that the company’s mission may shift from being solely plant-based to a broader focus on health and wellness. The future is still very bright for Beyond Meat as they focus more on producing a healthy product.

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Microalgae Omega-3: A New Player in the Plant-Based Supplements Market

SourceOne Global Partners and Qualitas Health are teaming up to introduce AlmegaPL, a microalgae-based omega-3 ingredient, to the global market. This innovative product, derived from a proprietary strain of Nannochloropsis, promises to address omega-3 supply chain concerns while catering to the growing demand for plant-based solutions. According to Jesse Lopez, CEO of SourceOne, this partnership represents a “significant milestone in the omega-3 industry,” offering patented and clinically proven solutions for a variety of products. This is a win for vegans and those following 100% plant-based diets, as it provides a sustainable alternative to traditional animal omega-3 sources.

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Plant-Based Dining: Not Everyone’s Slowing Down

While some chefs, like Sarah Frankland at Pennyhill Park, claim that the demand for plant-based dining is waning, others are pushing forward. Frankland argues that overprocessed meat substitutes are losing favor, but hotels like Gleneagles are doubling down on plant-based options. Executive chef Darron Bunn believes that vegan dishes should be “woven unapologetically” into dining experiences, signaling a strong future for plant-based cuisine. I’m always cognizant of the incessant meat industry misinformation machine and wouldn’t be at all surprised if content like this is seeded in some social media command and control facility … call me paranoid!

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Blog Post: Previously on Vegan Slate …

What Vegetables Are Not Vegan?

I had been vegan for a few years before I became aware of the seemingly counterintuitive suggestion that there’s vegetables which are off-limits for vegans. How on Earth could some vegetables not be vegan? I mean, I devoured avocados daily in those first few years and to discover there was a question mark around my favourite vegan food sub … …

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Holding an avocado in the vertical plane.

Image of me. Rohan.

Thanks so much for reading Vegan Slate and have a non-violent day 🙂

– Rohan

Vegan Slate



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